Antimony Trioxide


Antimony trioxide is usually available in various concentration. Special packaging requirements are available upon request. Antimony trioxide is stored in original packing and under conditions mentioned on the safety data sheet (SDS).





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Antimony Trioxide

Distributor of antimony trioxide


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Antimony trioxide is a white crystalline powder.


Antimony trioxide is not soluble in water and in nitric acid, not very soluble in diluted H2S04 and HCI but more soluble in these acid concentrates.


Antimony(III) oxide is the most important commercial compound of antimony, a brittle, silvery-white semimetal that conducts heat poorly. Antimony trioxide is found in nature as the minerals stibnite. It is synthetically produced by roasting antimony metal in a furnace with oxygen present or recycled from lead-based batteries. Antimony trioxide is predominantly used in polymer where resistance to ignition and flammability are required. Antimony(III) oxide is a synergistic of halogens, typically chlorine and bromine based, necessary to achieve performance levels in compliance with European labeling directives and at the same time pass specific tests for fireproof materials such as UL94 or in the automotive sector. Sb2O3 is also used as a catalyst for PET manufacture, as a frictional additive in automotive brake linings, as a clarifier for glass, as an opacifier for enamels, and in ceramic and textile applications.


The toxicity of antimony trioxide is topical because it is a likely byproduct of the combustion of some materials "fireproofed" with antimony compounds. The oxides of arsenic, antimony, and bismuth are comparable in their toxicity, but their volatilities differ widely. Antimony trioxide has suspected carcinogenic potential for humans.


Request safety data sheet (SDS) and refer to points 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13.


Technical specifications are provided on request according to the application: antimony trioxide is stored in original packing and under conditions mentioned on the safety data sheet (SDS).


Antimony trioxide, antimonious oxide, antimony(III) oxide